Shaping your future with words

A planner or a notebook is a good tool to plan and manage your schedule and jot down ideas whenever something comes to your mind. It is not just that ! Actually, the power of a notebook or memo may go beyond your imagination. It is an important tool to enhance your personal growth, change your future and make your dream comes true!Since 2015 is approaching, many new release of diary, planner, notebook etc are already on the rack in many bookstore in Japan.

Frequently, we might have many little thoughts in our daily life,  for example" I want to see the Aurora Borealis !" " I want to learn baking this year! ", " I want to get promoted this year!", " I want to be able speak Korean ", " I wanna do this, i wanna do that" this kind of thoughts could be forgotten easily. No matter how small it is, jotting down those thoughts with words would be a good way to help you to  discover your dreams and goals in future. Once you know your goal, you will need to manage the time to execute your plan, collecting information and learning new knowledge to achieve it.

Frankly speaking, I'm a bit surprised to see so many magazine release with a theme of "手帳術”,which literally means techniques to write your notebook/ journal/ planner. It introduces many good examples of how people use their planner efficiently in order to achieve the goal in their work or study, to save money, to go on diet plan etc.

Also, there are example of how to customize our planner and notebook.

Keeping a journal is a good way to boost self-confidence too, to achieve your goal you might encounter some failures and frustration, when you read over the past memo, it reminds how you put in your efforts into something you wanna achieve, how you've come a long way in your life, the happy time you had in the past.  I find that keeping a journal really help me to understand the "old-me" in the past, how I got stuck in the problem and how I got out from the problem. It is interesting to discover the "old-me" when I read my note and journal back.

By the way, this year "Ojisan" is celebrating his 20th anniversary. You may wonder who is "Ojisan". Ojisan means uncle in Japanese. "Ojisan" is fun character to illustrate a pocket diaries, it was debuted in Midori's 1995 pocket diary. "Ojisan" has released few original products to celebrate his birthday, which include 4 types of masking tape, book about "Ojisan", magnet toy, birthday book and canister can.

For those who have pre-ordered the 2015 planner and notebook, stay tuned. Chao!

Have a nice day!



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